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Ja Christopher

As a neighbour bordering Turn Moss, I love that it provides me with a space that I can use for clean exercise and quiet contemplation; the kind of space that is becoming rapidly more precious in Manchester.

Passionate about numbers and detail, by day, I work in finance (hence why Im the treasurer!). But joining the committee was one of the best things I have ever done (seriously!). It has brought me closer to the community I live in and taught me loads about working with people I would have otherwise not have met. Ive learned the value of listening and compromise along with the strength of teamwork when faced with adversity.

For me, seeing the space being improved for all users is especially enjoyable; and it is my focus to help this inclusive approach to improvement continue because Turn Moss is wonderful and is many things to many people, which should continue to be the case. Its public land after all!

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