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Friends of Turn Moss Constitution

A constitution is the document that has been agreed by the members of the group (i.e. adopted) that sets out the aims of the group, how it will be managed (or governed), who can be members and other important items. 

A constitution will: 

♦ ensure that a group’s aims are clear and agreed. It will also determine the limit of the activities 

♦ indicate how decisions are made and disputes resolved 

♦ ensure accountability 

♦ show how the Committee and officers are appointed. It is always useful to refer to the constitution from time to time. 

1. Name: 


2. Aims (Objects)

a) Help create a well-maintained, safe and open public green space which enhances the quality of life for local people and users by improving their physical and mental wellbeing.

b) Ensure Turn Moss remains an open greenbelt site for all those who wish to enjoy the space now and in the future. We will work to improve sports and community facilities, enhance the biodiversity and protect the rights of way which cross the fields and aim to safeguard the elements of quiet enjoyment and open aspect enjoyed by all users and local neighbours of Turn Moss at present.

c) Listen to the views and opinions of FoTM members, users of the site, neighbours and other key stakeholders and liaise with Trafford Council and delivery partners to ensure the site is a well-maintained and safe space.  All these key views should inform any future Council developments and provide the basis for any Management and Maintenance plans for the Turn Moss. FoTM must be part of creating and implementing these plans, sitting at regular stakeholder meetings and consulted as a key decision maker.

d) Improve funding to maintain and increase the facilities at Turn Moss by working in partnership with Trafford Council and other stakeholders and relevant partner organisations.

e) Encourage more people from all sections of the community to use Turn Moss in the interest of social welfare and education, with the object of improving the conditions of life in the local community. 

f) Publicise the green space, facilities, recreation and well-being opportunities  at Turn Moss and promote the work of Friends of Turn Moss.

g) Wherever possible, involve local people in improving Turn Moss and use sustainable resources and local suppliers for services and products.

h) We believe that success is measured by outcomes and will seek to deliver quantifiable results where possible that benefit the community.

i) FoTM will operate as an equal opportunities group, always recognising the value of our many differences such as age, ethnic origin, ability, culture and gender.

3. Membership 

a) Membership of the group shall be open to any individual over the age of 16 who shares the aims of Friends Of Turn Moss as listed above and wishes to help further the work of Friends of Turn Moss.

b) All members must agree to abide by this Constitution and the FoTM Members Code of Conduct. Both documents are shared with any new member of FoTM and are available to read on the FoTM website.

c) All members may attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting providing they have been members for a minimum of 4 weeks.  Any member is eligible to be co-opted onto the Management Committee. 

d) The Committee may terminate the membership of any member or Committee member who brings the group into disrepute or who breaks the FoTM Membership or Committee Code of Conduct or who clearly illustrates they do not share all our aims (Objects) as listed in the Constitution. Termination will occur at a Committee meeting and requires a vote and majority decision of Committee. The member or Committee member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee if they initiate a grievance procedure. The Grievance Procedure is available to read upon request and a copy is on the FoTM website.

e) To be eligible to serve on the Committee, a member must be nominated and seconded by a serving Committee member. Ideally they will have served as an active member of a sub-group or working group for a minimum of two months or have served as an effective co-opted Committee member for at least three months.. 

f) All nominations for Committee need to be lodged with the Secretary 2 weeks before the AGM.

4. Management Committee 

a) The FoTM Committee shall consist of 2 Honorary Officers (Treasurer and Secretary) and a minimum of 5 other Committee members. The maximum number of Honorary Officers and Committee members that form the Management Committee must not exceed 16. All Honorary Officers and Committee Members shall be elected annually at the AGM to manage the affairs of the group. 

b) Each member of the Committee (including Officers) shall serve for 12 months and be up for re-election at the annual FoTM AGM. Once elected, they shall serve until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.There is no limit to the number of years any member may serve.

c) Each Committee member must read the FoTM Constitution, the Management Committee Code and the Members Code and the Grievance Procedure and any other operational documents, they must agree to abide by all. Acceptance and willingness to abide by these governing documents must be declared via email or by written letter to the FoTM Secretary. No person will be entitled to act as a member of the Management Committee until they sign this declaration. Anyone acting on behalf of FoTM will be expected to act in an appropriate manner and must adhere to the Members Code of Conduct.

d) The FoTM Committee may co-opt up to 4 people to the Committee on a temporary basis. 

Co-option is when a new member is appointed by majority decision of the Management Committee due to a prolonged absence or resignation of a present Committee member or due to requiring a particular skill set or area of interest. Any newly co-opted Committee member will serve until the next AGM or the return of the original member they replaced, however a co-opted member may still sit on the Committee if there is still a vacant role.

A co-opted Committee member will have full voting and speaking rights and be expected to abide by the Management Committee Code of Conduct, the FoTM Constitution, the Members Code and the Grievance Procedure and any other operational document. Acceptance and willingness to abide by these governing documents must be confirmed via email or by written letter to the FoTM Secretary. No person co-opted onto the Committee will be entitled to act as a member of the Management Committee until confirmation is received.

e) If an absent or resigned Committee member wishes to return to the Committee before the next AGM, a full vote of Committee is required. A majority vote decision is needed for any reinstatement.

f) The Committee may appoint such people as it thinks fit as advisers. Advisers do not have voting rights. 

g) The Committee shall meet a minimum of 6 times per year. The Secretary must give all members of the Committee (and invited parties) at least 7 days notice of a Committee meeting date.

h) The Committee may establish Sub-Groups that are necessary to achieve the aims of the Group. Any such Groups shall not enter into legal or financial agreement without the prior authority of the Committee. 

i) Monies can be spent below £50 by any Committee Member, with Treasurer approval, for a specific purpose and a VAT receipt must be obtained.. An amount between £50-£500 can only be spent by Sub-Group or Working Group leaders and must first be approved by another senior Committee member and the Treasurer. An amount above £500 must be discussed and voted on at Committee, when approval is determined by a majority decision.

j) The FoTM Committee has no permanent Chair, instead the Committee operates a rotating Facilitator/Chair for all Committee Meetings. The previous meetings’ Facilitator/Chair must nominate the next Facilitator/Chair (if the nominated member declines, then an alternative choice must be made). If, for some reason, no Facilitator/Chair has been organised in advance, then the meeting must select one of the members attending to Facilitate/Chair the meeting.

k) A Committee member resignation or a temporary leave of absence by a Committee member must be discussed at the next available Committee meeting. It may then be decided to co-opt a new member onto Committee. 

l) An attendance register for Committee members is to be kept by the Secretary, this will cover meeting attendance and event attendance. Previous 12 months records will be published at the AGM and published on the FoTM website and recorded as part of any AGM agenda each year.

m) Senior Committee Members consist of two Honorary Officers and all Sub-Group Leaders. Officers will be elected into position at the AGM. Any signatories for cheques will be decided within 48hrs of the AGM result. It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to remove anyone no longer on the Committee from the cheque signatories list and update it with any new signatories. 

5. The Annual General Meeting 

a) The Annual General Meeting of the group shall be held once a year. 

b) All Committee and members will receive at least three weeks notice of the Annual General Meeting by an email mailing to the membership list and by putting up a notice on Turn Moss onto the noticeboard. New members will receive information on how to become active in the Friends’ activities and how to join any working groups along with the Members Code of Conduct. An opt-out link must be included with any FoTM members mailout such as a Newsletter. All contact details will be securely stored in compliance with General Data Protection Regulations.

c) The purpose of the Annual General Meeting is to:

  • Hear a report on the activities of the Friends for the previous year, prepared and given by the Secretary and a report on the group’s finances, prepared and delivered by the Treasurer.  
  • Decide whether there will be a membership subscription for the forthcoming year.
  • Identify and discuss matters of particular importance for the forthcoming year.
  • Make rules on the way the Friends group will operate eg by amending the Constitution or any other governing documents. Any amendment to the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority at the AGM.
  • Collect and record names of members who wish to remain or join a Sub-Group or Working Group for the forthcoming year.
  • Elect (or re-elect) the Management Committee. The newly elected Committee must agreed to read and abide by the FoTM Constitution and show their understanding and acceptance of structure, principles and procedures of the Friends of Turn Moss Management Committee. Confirmation must be received by the Secretary from each Committee member via email or by written letter within one week of election to the FoTM Committee.
  • From the newly elected Management Committee, two members must be elected to be Honorary Officers: Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Review and ratify all current FoTM Official governing documents.
  • Conduct any other relevant business the meeting so decides.

6. Special/Emergency General Meetings 

a) A Special/Emergency General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee whenever they feel it is necessary and must backed by a majority of Committee members.

b) The Secretary shall give at least 21 days notice of a Special/Emergency Meeting, sent out to all Committee Members and FoTM members on the current membership list.  The notice shall give details of the business to be discussed at the meeting. 

c) Only the business specified in the notice for the meeting is discussed at a Special/Emergency meeting. 

7. Rules of proceedings at all meetings 

a) The Quorum (the minimum number of members needed for a meeting to go ahead) at:

(i) a Management Committee shall be a minimum of one third of the total number of Committee members plus one.

(ii) a Special/Emergency Committee shall be a minimum of one third of the total number of Committee members plus one.

(iii) an Annual General Meeting shall be a minimum of 6 members, of which 5 must be members of the FoTM Management Committee.

b) All issues at any meeting shall be decided by a show of hands unless a secret ballot is requested by a Committee member. In the event of a tie, the Chair/Facilitator shall have a casting vote (a second vote).

8. Funds and Finance 

a) A bank account shall be opened in the name of the group. 

b) All cheques shall be signed by 2 members of the Management Committee. The signatories list should contain the Treasurer and at least 3 other Committee members. Those signatories to be authorised by the Committee, none of whom shall be related or live at the same address. Signatories must declare any unspent convictions for an offence involving dishonesty or deception or if they are currently declared bankrupt (or is subject to bankruptcy restrictions or an interim order) or have an individual voluntary agreement (IVA) with creditors or are disqualified from being a Company Director.

c) All money received in the form of donations, grants, crowdfunding, subscriptions or any other contributions will be put into the FoTM bank account and will be used to further the aims of the group. 

d) The financial year shall run from 01 April 2018 – 31 March 2019 and every 12 months thereafter.

e) Annual accounts shall be independently verified and made available on request at the AGM.

9. Dissolution A resolution to dissolve the group must be passed at the AGM or a Special/Emergency Meeting with a Quorum and two-thirds majority of those present. Any assets held by the organisation after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to an organisation with similar aims. 

This constitution was adopted on (Date): 23 April 2019.

This Constitution has been endorsed by All FoTM Management Committee Members:

1. Honorary Officer (Secretary): Anne Russell  

2. Honorary Officer (Treasurer): Jason Johnson

3. Management Committee Member: Gill Moore

4. Management Committee Member: Victoria Johnson  

5. Management Committee Member: Alan Weir  

6. Management Committee Member: Teresa Weir  

7. Management Committee Member: Nixon Tod  

8. Management Committee Member: Geraldine Shires   

9. Management Committee Member: Matthew Connolly  

10. Management Committee Member: Paul Harnett   

11. Management Committee Member: Simon Howarth  

12. Management Committee Member: Nigel Woodcock   

13. Management Committee Member: Karen Richardson   

14. Management Committee Member: Mike Rignall  

15. Management Committee Member: Lucy Cawdron   

16. Management Committee Member: John Westbrook 

Date last reviewed: 23 April 2019/ Next review date: 2019 AGM

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