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Members Code of Conduct

Becoming a member of Friends of Turn Moss gives you the chance to help improve Turn Moss for all users. Being a Friend is an excellent way to create a powerful voice for Turn Moss and to work alongside others with the same aims; together we contribute time and skills to improve Turn Moss for all users.

1. Membership 

  • Membership of the group is free and open to any individual over the age of 16 who shares the Aims of Friends Of Turn Moss taken from the Constitution, as listed below (2).
  • All members must agree to abide by the FoTM Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct. Both these documents will be sent or given to all new members of FoTM and are available to read on the FoTM website. Agreement must be confirmed via email or written letter.
  • All members may attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for election to the Management Committee if they are nominated by a current Committee Member and seconded by a current Committee Member. Nominations must be sent to the Secretary and be received at least 14 days prior to the AGM. Ideally they will have served as an active member of a sub-group or working group for a minimum of two months or have served as an effective co-opted Committee member for at least three months.
  • Three weeks notice will be given to members ahead of the Annual General Meeting by email or letter.  A notice will also be put up on Turn Moss in the noticeboard. 
  • Members will receive information on any opportunities to help with forthcoming Friends’ activities and be asked whether they have any particular area(s) of interest. Members will be kept updated on any FoTM news via a newsletter.  
  • Members will receive priority invitations to FoTM tasks or special events where possible.
  • The Committee may terminate the membership of any member bringing the group into disrepute or who breaks any element of the FoTM Members Code of Conduct. The member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Committee if they initiate a grievance procedure before a final decision is made. The Grievance Procedure is available to read upon request and a copy is on the FoTM website.

2. Aims (Objects)

a) Help create a well-maintained, safe and open public green space, which enhances the quality of life for local people and users by improving their physical and mental wellbeing. b) Ensure Turn Moss remains an open greenbelt site for all those who wish to enjoy the space now and in the future. We will work to improve sports and community facilities, enhance the biodiversity and protect the rights of way which cross the fields. We aim to safeguard the elements of quiet enjoyment and open aspect enjoyed by all users and local neighbours of Turn Moss at present. c) Listen to the views and opinions of FoTM members, users of the site, neighbours and other key stakeholders and liaise with Trafford Council and delivery partners to ensure the site is a well-maintained and safe space.  All these key views should inform any future Council developments and provide the basis for any Management and Maintenance plans for Turn Moss. FoTM must be part of creating and implementing these plans, sitting at regular stakeholder meetings and consulted as a key decision maker. d) Improve funding to maintain and increase the facilities at Turn Moss by working in partnership with Trafford Council and other stakeholders and relevant partner organisations. e) Encourage more people from all sections of the community to use Turn Moss in the interest of social welfare and education, with the object of improving the conditions of life in the local community.  f) Publicise the green space, facilities, recreation and well-being opportunities  at Turn Moss and promote the work of Friends of Turn Moss. g) Wherever possible, involve local people in improving Turn Moss and use sustainable resources and local suppliers for services and products. h) We believe that success is measured by outcomes and will seek to deliver quantifiable results where possible that benefit the community. i) FoTM will operate as an equal opportunities group, always recognising the value of our many differences such as age, ethnic origin, ability, culture and gender.

3. Conduct

  • All members will endeavour to work considerately and respectfully with all those they come into contact with at FoTM. 
  • All members will respect diversity, listen to different opinions and avoid giving offence. Should you find yourself disagreeing with other members, then healthy debate is welcomed, but please do this politely. 
  • Members recognise that the roles of Management Committee, casual volunteers and members of Friends of Turn Moss are different and will seek to understand and respect the differences between these roles.
  • Members must try to support and encourage all those they come into contact with at FoTM. In particular recognising their responsibility to support all those in the group.
  • If a member should cause offence and/or have a grievance brought against them, they agree to abide by the FoTM Grievance Procedure and its recommendations.
  • No member will gain materially or financially from their involvement with FOTM unless specifically authorised to do so.
  • Members will act in the best interests of FoTM as a whole, and not as a representative of any one group. Please act in consideration for what is best for all Turn Moss users, both present and future beneficiaries and avoid bringing FoTM into disrepute. 
  • Unless authorised, members will not put themselves in a position where personal interests conflict with a duty to act in the interests of the group. Where there is a conflict of interest, they must make this known to the Committee. A failure to declare a conflict of interest may be considered to be a breach of membership.
Date last reviewed: March 2019 Next scheduled review date: June 2019/FoTM AGM

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You’ll receive our newsletter with updates on events and volunteer sessions.  You can attend our AGM and influence how we work. 

We will NEVER share your personal information.