Kite flying on Turn Moss

 This year has seen a marked increase in visitors to Turn Moss, as well as in recreational activities taking place there.   The summer’s strong winds have encouraged kite flying, and amongst others we have also seen volleyball, cricket, frisbee playing, and even tight-rope walking!   While gyms were closed, lots of people were continuing their fitness training on the Moss, and we have also had yoga and meditation groups practicing here, as well as choirs singing at a safe social distance and an occasional small orchestra has been spotted near the car park.  Turn Moss has also welcomed lots of new visitors to walk, dog-walk, cycle, and jog, some of whom didn’t even know of its existence before lockdown.  And we’ve seen many picnics allowing safe gatherings for families and friends within the COVID-19 regulations. All this goes to show – especially in the midst of a pandemic – how important this green space is to local people’s mental and physical health and well-being.

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